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New challenges in Risk Management

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In the unprecedented times we are facing now,  all organizations are struggling with the multidimensional set of risks. Banks profitability, solvency and resilience are particularly affected by the downturn, with rising new internal and external risks, as well as rising expectations from regulators, customers, governments and the broader community.

Risk managers are facing many risk management challenges, not least in the international programme space where there are increasing regulatory pressures and complex networks to deal with. But ultimately, the biggest challenge is the sheer amount of information available and the complexity of the risk management requirements, from multiple jurisdictions, each with their own unique compliance and regulatory challenges, to servicing issues and carrier setups.

As all these changes also accelerate, navigating through uncertainty by out-of-the-box enterprise risk management will be a key driver of successful transformation as well as resilience.

Join us here to enhance innovation, relevance and responsiveness of your risk management function.

This training focuses on:


Niveau Advanced
Leervorm Klassikale opleiding

Totale prijs *

Leden: € 330
Niet-leden: € 360
Partners/ BZB: € 330
Incompany: op maat, prijzen op aanvraag

* Heb je recht op een tegemoetkoming of subsidies?
* Prijs: prestatie in het kader van permanente beroepsopleiding, vrijgesteld van BTW

Bijscholingsuren Bank: 1u sectorspecifiek


Beschikbare data

30/04/2024 - 09:00u - 12:30u - New challenges in financial risk management

11/09/2024 - 13:30u - 17:00u - New challenges in financial risk management

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Geef ons jouw interesse door indien er geen datum beschikbaar is, de geplande datum voor je niet past en/of deze sessie volzet is. Van zodra een vijftal personen ingeschreven zijn op de interesselijst stellen wij jou een nieuwe datum voor. Jouw inschrijving op de interesselijst is kosteloos en zonder enige verplichting.

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This training course can be undertaken by different groups:

  • risk managers at a company, entity or at corporate level;
  • business, risk and finance managers involved in risk appetite, financial planning and financial resource management (capital/liquidity/leverage).

Vereiste voorkennis

Advanced level training: this training requires a general basic knowledge of the subject.

Required prior knowledge: a good understanding of results and balance sheet structure as well as underlying principles of banking regulation.



  • New risks and opportunities arising from business models transformation
    • digitization
    • sustainable finance
    • outsourcing
  • New resilience risks arising from changes in the business context
    • low interest rates
    • cyber
    • climate
    • pandemics
  • How enterprise risk can transform towards dynamic uncertainty management by challenging
    • risk organization
    • talents
    • tools
    • agility
  • How scenario-based planning and risk appetite should develop to support uncertainty management and improve resilience



  • Duration: ½ day of training (3 class hours)
  • Hours: 13:30 to 17:00
  • Location: Febelfin Academy: Phoenix building, Koning Albert II-laan/Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels
  • Language: This training will be given in English


You follow a ‘Classroom training’ face-to-face in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).

Training material: PowerPoint presentation


Tamar Joulia-Paris
Risk, finance & treasury