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Compliance Days

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An annual two days seminar for the compliance professionals hosted by the Deloitte. The "Compliance Days" is a program for all practitioners to stay up to date with the latest regulatory changes, as well as meet and benchmark strategy, approach and practice with their peers.  It aims to bring a two days overview of developments in the compliance landscape both at the level of the function - its needs and enablers - as at the level of a selection of different compliance topics.  

The objective of the training is:

In our upcoming session, diverse experts will come together to share their insights and expertise. From seasoned economists to geopolitical analysts, regulatory specialists to industry leaders, each brings a unique perspective to the table. By pooling their knowledge and experiences, they aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of compliance.  Join us as we delve into these critical topics and gain valuable insights from our esteemed panel of experts.


Niveau Expert
Forme d’apprentissage Formation en classe

Prix total *

Membres: € 1.300
Non-membres: € 1.470
Partenaires/ BZB: € 1.300
Incompany: sur mesure, prix à la demande

* Avez-vous droit à une intervention ou des subventions?
* Prix : prestation dans le cadre du recyclage régulier, exonérée de TVA

Heures de Recyclage Compliance: 14h


Dates disponibles

06/11/2024 - 09:00u - 17:00u - Day 1: Macro-economic outlook, regulatory outlook, sustainability & investment strategy Presque complet

07/11/2024 - 09:00u - 17:00u - Day 2: New trends & developments in compliance Presque complet

Je m'inscris

Manifestez votre intérêt lorsqu’aucune date n’est disponible, la date planifiée ne convient pas et/ou la session existante est complète. Dès que 5 personnes sont inscrites sur la liste d'intérêt, nous vous proposons une nouvelle date. Votre inscription sur la liste d'intérêt est gratuite et n'induit aucune obligation.

Je m'inscris à la liste d'intérêt

Groupe cible

This training course can be undertaken by different groups:

  • Compliance Officers;
  • everyone involved in a compliance function.

Connaissances préalables

Expert level training: this training requires thorough prior knowledge of the subject.



You can choose to only subscribe for one of the days or for the whole program. The programme is coordinated by Caroline Veris, Deloitte Regulatory Affairs, and is hosted by various professional experts in their respective domains of expertise.  

Day 1 (duration 7 hours)

  • Opening
  • Compliance and Macro-economic & geopolitical outlook 

Guest speaker : Hans Geeroms (Professor of European Economic Policy at the College of Europe and KU Leuven (Brussels Campus) and senior adviser for European Policy at the National Bank of Belgium)

The evolving regulatory landscape in relation to macro-economic and geopolitical developments will be discussed. The focus will be on recent changes and the key challenges that lie ahead for the financial sector. Insights into how these factors influence policy-making and economic stability will be provided.

  • How has the regulatory landscape evolved in the past year and what are the key challenges for the future across the financial sector segments (banking, insurance, investment management)?

Lecturers : Caroline Veris (Partner FSI Governance, Regulation and Compliance at Deloitte) & Elien De Baeck (Director  Regulatory Risk & Compliance at Deloitte)

The analysis will cover significant regulatory changes over the past year within the financial sector. Highlighted will be the primary challenges faced by banking, insurance, and investment management sectors. Insights will prepare stakeholders for future regulatory expectations and compliance requirements.

  • Value for Money and related topics

Guest Speakers: Hendrik Van Driessche & Benjamin Leroy (specialists Value for Money at FSMA)

The discussion will address the importance of value for money in financial services and related regulatory considerations. Measures taken by the FSMA to ensure fair pricing and transparency will be explored. The session will cover recent trends and best practices in delivering value to consumers.

  • AML Package update

Guest Speakers: Gaetan Laga (Coordinator at FSMA) & Dries Cools (Head of AML/CFT Policy & Off-Site Supervision at NBB)

An update on the latest Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations and their implementation will be provided. The discussion will include recent changes, compliance requirements, and supervisory expectations. Practical insights on effective AML practices will also be shared.

  • AI & Compliance : panel discussion

Guest Speakers: Sara Rosseels (Compliance Project and Process Designer at Belfius), Pascale Bernaerts (Customer & Digital  Foundations AG Insurance), Marie-France De Pover (General Manager KBC Group Compliance) & Laurence Van Meerhaeghe (Senior Legal Counsel & Data Expert at Febelfin)

This panel discussion will explore the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and compliance within the financial sector. Opportunities and challenges of integrating AI into compliance frameworks will be discussed. The session aims to provide a forward-looking perspective on leveraging AI for regulatory compliance.

  • Conclusions of the day

Lecturers : Caroline Veris (Partner FSI Governance, Regulation and Compliance at Deloitte) & Elien De Baeck (Director  Regulatory Risk & Compliance at Deloitte)

The key takeaways from the day's sessions will be summarized. Reflections on the insights shared and closing thoughts on future regulatory trends will be provided. The session will conclude with actionable recommendations for attendees.

Day 2 (duration 7 hours)

  • Opening
  • Trends in the payments landscape & their impact on compliance

Guest Speakers: Francis De Roeck (Independant Expert Global Cash Management - Payments) & Saar Carre (Head of Payments and Daily Banking, Program Manager at Febelfin)

An exploration of the latest trends in the payments landscape and their compliance implications. Key topics will include instant payments regulation, sanction screening, and key items from PSD3/PSR.

  • Fraud developments in banking and insurance

Guest Speakers: Hans Van Hemelrijck (Head of Strategic Analysis Department at CFI-CTIF), Bart De Koker (Head Intelligence Coordination Centre at CFI-CTIF), Stijn De Meulenaer (Partner at Everest lawfirm, Executive Professor Masterclass Fraud Audit) & Erwig Rutten (Fraud expert Assuralia)

A discussion on the latest fraud developments within banking and insurance sectors. The session will focus on emerging threats and the aspect of reverse burden of proof.

  • ESG & compliance

Guest Speakers: Corentin Hericher (Assistant Professor in Sustainability Management - UCLouvain)

An overview of ESG considerations and their impact on financial services. The session will highlight regulatory requirements, best practices, and strategic approaches.

  • Workshop ESG in practise

Lecturers : Fran Ravelingien (Partner Regulatory and Compliance at Deloitte),  Isabelle Willems (Director – Risk Advisory at Deloitte) & Elien De Baeck (Director  Regulatory Risk & Compliance at Deloitte)

A hands-on workshop focusing on practical aspects of implementing ESG strategies within organizations. Participants will engage in interactive activities and case studies to deepen their understanding of ESG integration.

  • Conclusion of the compliance days

Lecturers : Caroline Veris (Partner FSI Governance, Regulation and Compliance at Deloitte) & Elien De Baeck (Director  Regulatory Risk & Compliance at Deloitte)

At the conclusion of the two-day event, there will be a comprehensive summary highlighting the key takeaways and learning points gathered. This summary will serve as a valuable recap for attendees, consolidating the insights gained from the various presentations and workshops and ensuring that participants leave with a clear understanding of the essential concepts covered during the Compliance Days.


  • Duration: 2 days of training (7 class hours per day)
  • Hours: 09:00 to 17:00 
  • Location: Auditorium BNP Paribas Fortis Rue Royale 20 / Koningsstraat 20 1000 Bruxelles/Brussel
  • Extra information: This training will be given in English, French and Dutch, alternating between the different speakers. All training material will be provided in English.  The programme is coordinated by Caroline Veris, Deloitte Regulatory Affairs, and is hosted by various professional experts in their respective domains of expertise.


You follow a ‘Classroom training’ in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).

Teaching Material: Powerpoint presentation (slides).


Caroline Veris
Compliance & audit

Isabelle Christiane G Willems
Compliance & audit

Elien De Baeck
Compliance & audit